Developer: Square Enix
Publisher Square Enix/Eidos
Platform: PC/360
Price: PC version not for sale
(2018-09 Update: The PC version was pulled from steam in advance of a PS4 remaster. I suspect they’ll also release a remastered PC version, but there’s no confirmation of that at this time.)
This is a short special feature I’m inflicting on y’all. Deal.
The Last Remnant (henceforth TLR) is along with Infinite Undiscovery, part of Square Enix’s ill-fated new property initiative of 2007/8. What it comes down to is they took some of their developers who weren’t working on their A-list franchises, and let them go wild. What we got were underrated – and somewhat flawed – games that got a fairly lukewarm reception.
Continue reading JPWPI 2010 – Special Feature – The Last Remant